Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Wow... Pumpkin and Popcorn may have started off as tiny little furballs, but they’ve grown! In fact, they’ve grown so much that we’ve had to build our piggies a loft. We realized their space was too small when they were not as active and when bickering became common. After considering many possible designs, we finally decided to add on a small 2x1 loft with a fleece covered wooden ramp leading to the top level. Within a few minutes, adventurous Popcorn was the first upstairs. She happily explored the new hay filled space. Betty soon followed, then Wilma but poor Pumpkin was too scared to venture upstairs. With a little coaxing, we taught her to use the ramp and now they all take turns running up and down. Boy are they fast! They bicker less now and they’ve become much more active. All this, and we didn’t even need to take up more floor space (something my mom was very happy about!). If you want ideas on building or expanding a cage, write to us or check out the links page and visit Cavy Cages. They have step-by-step instructions and photo galleries of people’s cool and creative cages.

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