Monday, June 28, 2010

The Guinea Pig Pignic

Have you ever heard of a pignic? They’re really cool. Last Sunday, my family and I went to one. When we arrived, our guinea pigs were checked to make sure they were healthy and to double check that they were all females. After getting a clean bill of health, our guinea pigs were placed in the girl pen. There was also a boy pen. If your guinea pig did not behave well, you had to put it in a special “time-out” pen. One guinea pig bit three guinea pigs on the nose! You can guess where that pig was sent. It was a fun day and we enjoyed sharing our pigs with other people. It was also lots of fun meeting other peoples’ pigs. We saw a Texel, a Teddy, several Americans, Peruvians, Silkies and even a Coronet. By the way, Queen Betty made good friends with the Texel. The people who hosted the event had contests with the following categories: longest hair, messiest hair, the heaviest, the lightest, and the people with the most pigs. Although ours did not win, we all had a wonderful day and hope to go again in September.

To find a pignic by you, please visit the links page and click on cavy madness. On this website, you will find a link to “pignic central” where you can find dates and locations of pignics all over. 

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