About Us

Hello! These are our guinea pigs - Wilma, Betty, Pumpkin, and Popcorn.

Hi! I’m a female silky guinea pig and my name is Betty. I’m not really the exploring type although I sometimes walk around outside of the cage a little, or play a game of tag with my niece Popcorn in the cage. Mostly, I like to sit around and be like the queen because I am. You see, I am the dominant piggy.

Hi! I’m a female abyssinian guinea pig, and my name is Wilma. I like to explore a little bit more than my sister Betty, but still not as much as my two daughters, Pumpkin and Popcorn. When I was younger, I liked to run on our people’s baseboard. Still, I do explore. Some people call me a “BushBaby” because of my big eyes.

Hi! I’m a female abyssinian guinea pig named Pumpkin. I love to explore, especially with my sister Popcorn. I look just like her but there are a few differences between us.  I’m calm and Popcorn is squirmy. My left ear is bald and Popcorn’s left ear is only half bald. You can also tell us apart by looking at the tan patch near our right eyes. Mine surrounds my whole eye and Popcorn’s tan patch only partially covers her eye. By the way, Popcorn and I were born December 4, 2009 in our people’s house.

My name is Popcorn. I’m also a female abyssinian guinea pig and I’m told it was very hard to get this picture of me because I move so much. As you’ve probably been told by Pumpkin already, I am very squirmy. I am very well-named because I love to popcorn. That’s something we guinea pigs do when we’re happy. We jump up in the air just like popping corn and I usually like to give a little spin.